
What the Tech? Take a Look at New Emoji – Alabama News – Alabama News Network

Posted: Sep 16, 2022 4:59 PM CDT

By JAMIE TUCKER Consumer Technology Reporter

Emoji may be something you use for fun in texting or posting to Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, but in reality, Emoji is a worldwide language.

New emojis are voted on, approved, and released by the Unicode Consortium, a non-profit creating this new language that everyone in the world can use and understand.

This release (Unicode 15) brings twenty brand-new emojis to the language.

New this year: the shaking face, a moose, donkey, goose, Jellyfish, a Pea Pod, hair pick, a flute, ginger, and a folding hand fan among others.

Of these, the shaking face is the most intriguing. According to the consortium, it expresses a reaction to some surprising news, or an emphatic ‘no’.

This brings the total number of emojis to 3,664.

Google also unveiled new animated emoji of a melting face, turtle, mind-blown face, literally ROFL, and a burning heart. These will be available to all Android users next spring.

The question many people have is, how do you know which emoji to use? You can’t keep track of the meanings of all 3,664 of them.

On Android devices and iPhones, emoji options appear as you type a text or post. But here’s a little trick you may not know about how to use emojis on an iPhone. Type out your text and hold down the emoji button on the keyboard. It will highlight any words for which there is an emoji.

Tapping those highlighted words will insert the correct emoji, so your friends will think you’re cool.

And by the way, if you have an idea for an emoji, you can submit it to the Unicode Consortium on their website. Members will review and consider requests. Don’t look for the new emoji yet, they’ll be released for iPhone, Android, Facebook, Instagram, and everywhere else beginning in October.



Author: News tech