
Tech startups thrive in Clark County – The Columbian

DuFresne was born in Ukraine and came to Vancouver at age 5. She attended Skyview High School and earned an associate degree at Clark College through Running Start. She studied criminal justice at Washington State University in Pullman until her senior year, when she switched gears to a digital technology minor.

After working and leaving a corporate job in Camas, she founded ROGO, which has already been through the development and beta testing phases. The app will launch and open to customers next month; it’s currently onboarding vendors so when app users join, there are products available. ROGO currently has 3½ full-time employees.

ROGO was part of the Columbian River Economic Development Council’s Business Accelerator program, which helped the company establish a business model, DuFresne said. She also received a grant from Workforce Southwest Washington.


Synkwise is a local tech company that lets senior home care workers manage records, medications and more.

Co-founder Claud Covaci launched Synkwise in 2018 and has grown it to be in nearly 1,000 senior care homes in 11 states, he said. The app and online interface tracks patient progress, health notes, blood pressure, skin monitoring, weight gain and loss, medication reminders and tracking and any health-related issue. The company has nine employees with a software development team in Moldova.


Author: News tech