
Miles Elementary students learn about charity in tech literacy project – Billings Gazette

“It just started with contacting Target and seeing if they could donate, and I just did a simple project there with them, but then this year I knew I wanted to adapt,” she said.

Principal Kristin Wagner couldn’t be happier.

“I can only speak to our school, but this team as a whole works amazing together,” said Wagner. “[Louk] creates so many opportunities for the students and for the teachers, and she loves to work with the community.”

Louk added that some kids seem to think they are too young to learn about volunteering and giving, but she saw an opportunity to disagree and plant a seed —at a time she says is pivotal.

“Sometimes at this age, they think, ‘Oh that’s meant for adults to volunteer’. I’m like, no, just because you see pictures of adults doing that, maybe when you are in high school, like for Big Brothers Big Sisters, you could be somebody like that. You could mentor. So I’m just kind of opening their eyes a little bit,” she said.


Author: News tech